Syrian Electronic Army : We Hacked eBay and PayPal

, par  Fran Berkman , popularité : 3%



UPDATE - Feb. 1, 2014, 6:20 p.m. ET : Anuj Nayar, PayPal’s senior director of global initiatives, told Mashable, "For a brief period today, a very limited number of people visiting certain PayPal and eBay marketing pages in the UK, France and India were redirected. The issue was quickly detected and resolved. No customer data was accessed by these redirects, and no customer accounts were affected. We take the security and privacy of our customers very seriously and are actively investigating the reasons behind the temporary redirects."

The Syrian Electronic Army, a notorious hacking group, says it claimed two big-name victims Saturday : eBay and PayPal. Read more...

More about Ebay, Hacking, Paypal, Ecommerce, and SyriaJS9V22gwuQk

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