’The Simpsons’ paid tribute to Charlie Hebdo

, par  Blathnaid Healy , popularité : 2%
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Cartoonists from around the world have been drawing tributes to their French colleagues, and on Sunday night The Simpsons ended its episode with a show of respect for the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attacks

See also : The power of the pen : Cartoonists honor Charlie Hebdo victims

The closing scene of the episode showed Maggie, set against the colors of the French tricolor, ’Je Suis Charlie’ flag in hand

The tribute is reminiscent of Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix and the poster for the musical version of Les Misérables


Liberty Leading the People, by Eugène Delacroix, commemorating the French Revolution of 1830

Image : Wikimedia Commons Read more...More about France, The Simpsons, Tv, Us World, and World

Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/12/simp...

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