The Tension Experience : A live theater show that seriously messes with your head

, par  Tim Chester , popularité : 3%

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How’s this for a night out : You drive to a dark alleyway in central Los Angeles. There’s a parked van with its headlights blinding you as you pull in. Someone cryptically calls your phone. You’re bundled into the van with a bag over your head and driven off into the night.

Half an hour later you’re in a labyrinthine warehouse, blindfolded, hooded and hogtied, forced to eat human flesh, whipped, pushed and left in a chair for an interminable amount of time, ambient terror music pulsing through your ears while your mind is left to stumble through endless corridors of confusion.

Sound like fun ? Then step right up for The Tension Experience : Ascension , a new production that just opened in LA and aims to take the immersive theater experience to twisted new realms. Read more... More about Saw , Horror , Immersive Theater , Tension Experience , and Entertainment

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