Virtual 10-Year-Old Girl Used to Expose Thousands of Pedophiles

, par  Fran Berkman , popularité : 3%



Sweetie spends most of her time perusing the Internet’s darkest corners. Many may recognize her as a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines — but Sweetie isn’t real.

Researchers from an international child rights activist group created the computer-generated girl as part of a sophisticated sting operation to expose an emerging form of abuse called "Webcam Child Sex Tourism" (WCST), defined as an adult paying a to view a video live stream of a child performing sexual acts. Posing as Sweetie, four members of the Netherlands branch of Terre des Hommes International Federation said they identified 1,000 pedophiles during a 10-week period earlier this year. Read more...

More about Youtube, Child Pornography, Crime, Us World, and UsVBfvX0GL42w

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