’Web of trust’ is a security failure

, par  cks , popularité : 2%

’Web of trust’ is a security failure

Here is a simple yet unpleasant thing (one that I have circled around
and implied before, but never stated outright) :

Any time you propose a security system that uses a ’web of trust’
model to validate anything, you’ve failed ; the system is not secure in
practice. You can demonstrate all of the math that you want, but in the
end it comes down to the users must pick the right people to trust
in order for the system to be secure
. And they will not. This is not
a theoretical ’they won’t’, it is an experimentally and historically
proven ’they will not’, because they never have before now.

(Some number of them will try their best but not know enough. Some
number of them will pick randomly. Some number of them will make
mistakes. And if the system is attacked, some number of them will be

When you propose a web of trust system, what you have really done is
abrogated the work of making the system secure and instead dumped it
on the users. This is a great way to feel morally superior (after
all, the system works perfectly if used right so it’s clearly the
user’s fault for screwing it up), but it is very much not a useful
way to design an actual security system. You have not solved the
real problem
and you are ducking the issue.

(Attestation is a handy idea, but it does not need to be handled
in the system in order to be useful ; in real life, people already
use all sorts of out of band mechanisms to handle it.)

Another way of putting this is that a web of trust system is not
actually a secure system out of the box ; it is not secure by itself, and
indeed it’s often not operable by itself. Instead, it’s just most of the
components of a secure system and assembling the actual secure system
is left as an exercise for the users. Claiming that the pre-assembled
component is ’secure’ is vacuous, because it is not yet a complete and
operable system.

This is a specific instance of the general issue that asking
users questions never increases security

(in part because (most) users don’t care about security). And yes, ’who do you trust ?’ is
clearly a question.

Web of trust also has a number of practical low level problems that I’ve
written about in WebOfTrustFlaws (especially when used as a replacement
for SSL CAs).

Sidebar : web of trust as an implementation detail

The one time that a ’web of trust’ system is acceptable is if the users
don’t have to answer any questions in order to use it securely, ie they
are not required to pick their own set of trust roots. Instead, the
system is designed to work with a preconfigured, pre-vetted list and
then the designer takes responsibility for keeping that list good.

(The system will need a way to update the list, for obvious reasons.)

Cet article est repris du site http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/...

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