’Je Suis Charlie’ : Huge crowds gather across Europe after Paris attack

, par  Amanda Wills , popularité : 3%
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LONDON — Mass vigils were held throughout Europe on Wednesday evening following the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that killed 12 in Paris

Crowds gathered in squares from London to Berlin, holding signs that read "Je Suis Charlie" (I am Charlie), among other phrases of support. The cities stood in solidarity with other demonstrators in France, who assembled by the thousands across the country, holding pens in the air. They held a moment of silence, which was followed by resounding applause and shouts of "Charlie, Charlie."

See also : What is Charlie Hebdo ? Behind the covers of the French satirical magazine targeted in deadly attack Read more...More about Europe, France, London, Paris, and Us World

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/07/je-s...

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