Photographer imagines the daily, mundane life of Darth Vader

, par  Andrea Romano , popularité : 3%

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Even Sith Lords run out of milk.

Polish photographer Pawel Kadysz isn’t exactly an evil mastermind, but he definitely knows how to get into their heads

See also : How Star Wars characters would look if they were Ancient Greek statues

Kadysz’s series of selfies embodies the Sith Lord on days when he’s not trying to eradicate the Jedi Order in his photo series, the Daily Life of Darth Vader.

"We never think of movie characters like they were regular people. And they are. With different life goals, obviously, but they’re just people. Hannibal Lecter had to shower. John Doe from Se7en probably had to do the dishes. And Darth Vader has to do groceries," Kadysz told Mashable in an email. Read more... More about Art , Photography , Funny , Star Wars , and Darth Vader

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