Ansible-cmdb v1.4 : a host overview generator for ansible-managed hosts

, par  admin , popularité : 1%

Ansible-cmdb takes the output of Ansible’s setup module and converts it into a static HTML overview page containing system configuration information. It supports multiple templates and extending information gathered by Ansible with custom data.

You can visit the Github repo , or view an example output here.

This is the v1.4 release of ansible-cmdb, which brings a bunch of bug fixes and some new features : Support for host inventory patterns (e.g. foo[01:04] Support for ’vars’ and ’children’ groups. Support passing a directory to the -i param, in which case all the files in that directory are interpreted as one big hosts file. Support for the use of local jquery files instead of via a CDN. Allows you to view the hosts overview in your browser using file ://. See for info on how to enable it (hint : ansible-cmdb -p local_js=1). Add -f/–fact-caching flag for compatibility with fact_caching=jsonfile fact dirs (Rowin Andruscavage). The search box in the html_fancy template is now automatically focussed. Show memory to one decimal to avoid "0g" in low-mem hosts. Templates can now receive parameters via the -p option. Strip ports from hostnames scanned from the host inventory file. Various fixes in the documentation. Fixes for Solaris output (memory and disk).

I would like to extend my gratitude to the following contributors : Sebastian Gumprich Rowin Andruscavage Cory Wagner Jeff Palmer Sven Schliesing

If you’ve got any questions, bug reports or whatever, be sure to open a new issue on Github !

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