High hopes for Obama’s historic visit to the ’unraveling’ Arctic

, par  Andrew Freedman , popularité : 2%


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In an effort to call attention to the present-day consequences of global warming, President Obama is soon to embark on a journey that no president has taken before

Not only will he set foot in the Alaskan Arctic, at the very edge of the state, but he will spend more time on the ground in Alaska than any president has ever done. Typically, Alaska is a refueling stop for Air Force One when traveling to and from Asia.

Obama’s three-day trip to Anchorage, Seward, Dillingham and Kotzebue, Alaska, which begins August 31, will allow the President to raise the profile of Arctic policy and global warming. It may also provide iconic images of the President in front of rapidly receding glaciers and eroding coastal villages, bolstering his case for climate action Read more... More about Obama , Science , Global Warming , Us World , and Us http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/mash...

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/08/26/obam...

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