How to End the iPhone vs. Android Debate

, par  Neha Prakash , popularité : 2%



iphonevsandroid-357x202.jpg"My screen’s bigger." "Mine’s got more memory." "Mine has a faster processor." "Steve Jobs could balance the world on his nose." "Google is God." ... blah, blah, blah.

The iPhone versus Android debate is the modern evolution versus creation debate ; Jacob versus Edward, Pepsi versus Coke, Christina versus Britney. It goes on and on, and on.

You know what ?

You’re all annoying. So stop it. That’s it.

SEE ALSO : Watch These Epic iPhone 5 Vs. Android Music Videos

If they keep arguing about it, throw the phones down a subway grate and see which one survives — winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Thanks for putting an end to all the madness, DogHouseDiaries. The world appreciates i…

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More About : android, comics, iphone


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