How to shave off your beard in fun and creative stages

, par  David Yi , popularité : 2%

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Movember is coming to a close. Some men can’t wait to grab a razor and give their chin a trim

If you’re thinking about cleaning your beard up, why not do so in a fun and ridiculous manner ?

Whether you’ve grown a full on beard or have a little rough scruff, we’ve listed the 10 zaniest ways to shear your whiskers. Just click on the infographic to see which level is for you, whether it’s the Fu Manchu (level : Easy !), the Monkey Tail (medium difficulty), or for the most adventurous, the Seneca Crane

See also : Your weekly guide to growing a lush Movember moustache (or beard)

Wow your high school friends, disgust your in-laws, scare your nieces and nephews. It’s the holidays, after all. Read more... More about Style , Humor , Grooming , Lifestyle , and Beards

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