Iterating in Puppet

, par  R.I. Pienaar , popularité : 2%

Iteration in Puppet has been a long standing pain point, Puppet 4 address this by adding blocks, loops etc. Here I capture the various approaches to working with some complex data in Puppet before and after Puppet 4

To demonstrate this I’ll take some data from a previous blog post and see how to deal with it, here’s the data that will be in $domains in the examples blow : "" : "nexthop" : "70.x.x.x", "spamdestination" : "", "spamthreshold" : 1500, "enable_antispam" : 1 , "" : "nexthop" : "70.x.x.x", "spamdestination" : "", "spamthreshold" : 1500, "enable_antispam" : 1 ,

First we’re going to need some defined type that can create an individual domain, we’ll call that mail::domain but I won’t show the code here, as that’s not really important.

Puppet 3 + stdlib

The first approach I’ll show your basic Puppet 3 approach. The basic idea here is to get a list of domains and use the array iteration Puppet has always had on name.

The trick here is to get the domain names using the keys() function and then pass all the data into every instance of the define – the instance fetch it’s data from the data passed into the define. $domain_names = keys($domains) mail::domains$domain_names : domains => $domains define mail::domains($domains) $domain = $domains[$name] mail::domain$name : nexthop => $domain["nexthop] . .

Puppet 3 + create_resources

A hacky riff on eval() was added to Puppet during 3 to make it a bit easier to deal with data from Hiera or similar, it takes some data in a standard format and create instances of a defined type : create_resources("mail::domain", $domains, "spamthreshold" => 1500, "enable_antispam" => 1)

This replaces all the code above plus adds some default handling in the case that the data is not uniform. Some people love it, some hate it, I think it’s a bit too magical so prefer to avoid it.

Puppet 4 – each loop

This is the approach you’d probably want to use in Puppet 4 it uses a simple each loop over the data : $domains.each |$name, $domain| mail::domain$name : nexthop => $domain["nexthop] . .

It’s quite readable and obvious what’s happening here, it’s more typing than the create_resources example but I think this is the preferred way due to clarity etc

Below this we get into the more academic solutions to the problem, mainly showing off some Puppet 4 features.

Puppet 4 – wildcard shortcut

If listing every key is tedious like above and if you know your hashes map 1:1 to the defined type parameters you can short circuit things a bit, this is quite close to the create_resources convenience : each($domains) |$name, $domain| mail::domain$name : * => $domain

The splat operator takes all the data in the hash and maps it right onto properties of the define type, quite handy

Puppet 4 – wildcard and defaults

Your data might not all be complete so you’d want to get some defaults merged in, this is something create resources also supports so this is how you’d do it without create_resources : $defaults = "spamthreshold" => 1500, "enable_antispam" => 1 $domains.each |$name, $domain| mail::domain$name : * => $defaults + $domain # + now merge hashes

Puppet 4 – wildcard and resource defaults

An alternative to the above that’s a bit more verbose but might be more readable can be seen below : $defaults = "spamthreshold" => 1500, "enable_antispam" => 1 $domains.each |$name, $domain| mail::domain default : * => $defaults ; $name : * => $domain


That’s about it, there are many more iteration tricks in Puppet 4 but this shows you how to achieve what you did with create_resources in the past and a couple of possible approaches to solving that problem.

Not sure which I’d recommend, but I suspect the choice comes down to personal style and situation.

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