John Lennon’s ’Imagine’ inspires thousands to break into song at Paris unity rally

, par  Neha Prakash , popularité : 3%
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Redditor ilHGG posted an uplifting video Monday of attendees at the Paris unity march singing, cheering and clapping to John Lennon’s "Imagine" — a song that rings particularly powerful after the days of violence and unrest in France

ilHGG, who claims to live near the location of the march, wrote on Reddit that he or she played music, "especially peace songs," from his or her window, so passersby participating in the march could hear

Millions gathered in central Paris on Sunday for the march, held to show solidarity for victims of terror attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo as well as the resulting violence and hostage crises. Read more...More about Viral Videos, Us World, World, Videos, and Charlie Hebdo

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