Myris is not the biometric security you were looking for

, par  Lance Ulanoff , popularité : 3%
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Myris, the self-contained biometric password manager from EyeLock, is an exciting idea, but it’s nowhere near ready to be a product.

From the bulky design to amateurish software, the pricey Myris ($279.99) feels unfinished. This is a shame, because the concept of logging into your computer and unlocking your favorite sites, apps and services with your sight (get it ?) or irises is damn near brilliant.

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Myris arrives after a year of security bad news (Target, Heartbleed), which was often exacerbated by consumer’s insistence on using the same password across multiple sites and servicesWhat EyeLock’s Myris wants to do is smart : Do away with password memorization and management and use something that is truly unique to every individual — their eyes. Read more...More about Review, Security, Reviews, Passwords, and Tech

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