Paris mourns attacks victims at special Notre Dame Cathedral mass

, par  Blathnaid Healy , popularité : 2%

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A special church service is taking place in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Sunday evening to mourn the 129 people killed in Friday’s attacks.

See also : Live updates : Paris under attack

The bells of the world-famous cathedral tolled to remember the victims at 6:15 p.m. and mass started 15 minutes later.

Inside Notre Dame ahead of the service

— Tim Chester (@timchester) November 15, 2015

There were huge queues and a strong security presence at the entrance to the cathedral. Inside, the congregation, some of whom had travelled into the city especially, waited for it to begin hushed silence. Streaks of red white and blue lit up the walls by the alter in Paris’ cavernous cathedral. Read more... More about France , Paris , Us World , and Paris Attacks

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