PornHub’s ’Bangfit’ program uses sexy exercise to build muscle

, par  Heather Dockray , popularité : 2%

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You can track your steps, you can measure your heartbeats, and now, you can quantify your dry humps.

A new program created by PornHub called "BangFit " features ’sexercises’ that allow players to build and tone muscle. Instead of forcing people to go the gym (the horror ! the sweat stains !), Bangfit users simply practice sexual exercises, otherwise known as actual sex. Finally, you can gyrate and hump your way to the body of your dreams.

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BangFit users follow along with videos as they execute positions like the "squat and thrust" and "missionary press." Players can sync their phones to the workout in order to track their progress and measure the amount of calories burned. Read more... More about Porn , Health , Exercise , Sex And Relationships , and Sex

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