The godfather of global warming’s frightening prediction is getting the cold shoulder

, par  Andrew Freedman , popularité : 2%

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We’re entering the final sprint toward one of the most consequential rounds of climate change negotiations in history, which will take place in Paris this December. Those talks have the goal of devising an international agreement that will limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial levels by 2100

Study after study has already found that this goal is going to be extremely difficult for the world to reach, in light of recent emissions trajectories that have put the world on track for at least double that amount of warming, or possibly more

During this time period, scientists, think tanks, politicians and even Pope Francis are weighing in to spur on climate negotiators. This week, a prominent climate scientist, James Hansen, entered the fray with a study aimed at getting policymakers’ attention by saying that the 2 degree Celsius target is dangerously reckless, and that we should be aiming for limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or below. Read more... More about Global Warming , Us World , Us , Climate , and Sea Level Rise

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