Thousands of tiny red crabs wash up on California’s shores

, par  Miriam Kramer , popularité : 3%

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Thousands of brightly colored, small red crabs have washed up on beaches near San Diego over the past few weeks.

The tiny red crabs — called tuna crabs or pelagic red crabs — usually live in the waters off the west coast of Baja California, the Gulf of California and the California current, according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, so it is unusual that they would venture as far north as San Diego.

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“Typically such strandings of these species in large numbers are due to warm water intrusions,” Linsey Sala, collection manager for the Pelagic Invertebrates Collection at Scripps, said in a statement . Read more... More about California , Us World , Us , Climate , and El Nino

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