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Les inondations de Valence ont déchaîné les climatosceptiques. Les mêmes qui s’opposaient aux restrictions d’urbanisation en zone inondable et au zéro artificialisation nette s’improvisent anti-« béton » pour nier l’i...
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🧵How worried should we (and @RachelReevesMP) be about the slightly nervy reaction from financial markets towards her first Budget ? Short answer : certainly a bit worried. But perhaps not for the reasons you might expec...
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I don’t know how this works but there is something charming about a local judge ordering the wealthiest man on the planet to be present at a 10am court hearing the next morning due to his using his...
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Two days ago, @TheJusticeDept announced an international disruption effort against the current version of RedLine Infostealer. It’s #OSINT time ! In the redacted complaint, Maxim Rudometov is identified as one of the d...
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1/9 Vous avez forcément lu des posts/articles vous disant qu’il ne faut pas se préoccuper de la Covid, car son taux de létalité est de l’ordre de 0,1 à 1%... Petit mise en perspective avec l’alerte OMS sur...